Many people believe that dropping out means ending your education or giving up on learning altogether, but this is not the case. Dropping out can often lead to a different form of learning and personal growth.
There are a variety of reasons why someone might choose to drop out of school, and in many cases, it is a strategic decision to pursue a better path toward their goals. Perhaps they need to work full-time to support their family, or they realize that their chosen field of study is not the right fit for them. Whatever the reason may be, dropping out does not necessarily mean the end of one’s education or success. It can often be the beginning of a new journey toward personal and professional growth.
Many individuals may desire to break away from the traditional education system, but often feel pressured by society to conform and continue their studies to avoid being excluded. However, it is not uncommon to come across exceptionally intelligent students, who may even surpass their instructors in knowledge and critical thinking.
I know many brilliant students who understand that traditional education alone is not sufficient and therefore seek to expand their horizons by reading, learning, and engaging with real-world problems. To me, these individuals are true “dropouts,” who have taken the initiative to pursue education and growth on their terms.
In conclusion, Dropouts are people who are constantly learning new things, people who update with the industry.
I am a dropout and am sure you are one of us.
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